Damascus Spike Hawk with Curly Maple

Product Description for Damascus Spike Hawk with Curly Maple

Maker: Andrew Smith (click to see more by this maker)
Price: $1,000.00
Item num: 110379
** This is handmade and one-of-a-kind **
Blade length: 8.00 in.
Cutting edge length: 3.40 in.
Total length: 18.70 in.
Blade thickness (near bolster): 0.35 in.
Blade thickness (at midpoint): 0.18 in.
Blade thickness (near tip): 0.03 in.
Item weight: 16.00 oz.
Shipment weight: 19 oz.
Blade: Twist damascus forged from 1084 and 15N20 carbon steel
Handle: Dyed curly maple
Sheath: Leather sheath
Description: Andrew Smith began making knives in 2008 when he was only 15 years old. He started out by forging knives out of railroad spikes and tomahawks out of barstock and ball peen hammers. For years this was all that he made. Today he makes all kinds of knives, but still has a deep love for making hawks. We are excited to offer some of his tomahawks and knives.
The head of this tomahawk is hand forged from twist damascus, combining 1084 and 15N20 carbon steels. The edge is 3.4 inches long. The blade measures 8 inches from the back of the spike to the cutting edge. Andrew's touchmark is on the left side of the head.
The haft is premium dyed curly maple, hand polished with carnauba wax. The dark dye in the wood nicely complements the damascus head. The haft is tapered to provide excellent balance for throwing or chopping.
A leather sheath that protects both the head and spike is included to protect the axe during transportation.
Excellent work throughout!

Availability: In stock. Usually ships in 1-2 business days